Mission & History of the survey in the NW Atlantic
The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey, operating since 1931, is the world's longest and most geographically extensive marine biological survey.
The CPR survey in the Northwest Atlantic, funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) in collaboration with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), has been continuously supported by the U.S. since 1990. Earlier CPR data with consistent sampling methodolgy is available from 1958. The current project is to continue this long-term effort, while also expand the effort to broaden the CPR data utilization and scientific inquiry.
The project is in close collaboration with the Marine Biological Association (MBA) in the UK, who currently manage the CPR survey, in partnership with commercial shipping to sample major ocean regions, including the North Atlantic, North Pacific, and Arctic. The survey covers over 15,000 km each month, providing crucial data on plankton distribution and abundance. It has collected data on nearly 700 marine species, with over 3.5 million taxonomic entries and samples spanning 7.1 million nautical miles. The survey was awarded a Guinness World Record in 2021 for its 90 years of continuous operation.
This NSF-supported project is essential for preserving and extending the long-term CPR plankton time series, enabling scientists to fully leverage the rich dataset for both scientific and societal benefits. By continuing this crucial time series, the project supports efforts to track long-term trends in marine ecosystems, ensuring that the scientific community can monitor and respond to ongoing shifts.