Maurice Tivey – Abstracts & Meetings
Tivey, M.A., J. Greene, M. Tominaga, H. Dick, G. Alodia, M.J. Cheadle, Geophysical Investigation of the Marion Rise, Southwest Indian Ridge from the Discovery to Indomed Fracture Zones reveals vast exposures of mantle at the sea floor, AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract T21D-0365, 2019.
Bouligand, C., M. Tivey, C. Finn, L.A. Morgan, W.C. Shanks, R.A. Sohn, Investigation of the Hydrothermal System of Northern Yellowstone Lake Using Multi-Scale Magnetic Surveys, AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract V24B-06, 2019.
Caratori-Tontini, F., G.M. Turner, A.G. Reyes, F. Speranza, M. Tivey, C.E.J. de Ronde, S.E. Humphris, Paleomagnetic properties of hydrothermally altered rocks from IODP Expedition 376 at Brothers Volcano, New Zealand, AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract V33E-0222, 2019.
Dick, H., H. Zhou, J. Koepke, M. Tivey, M.J. Cheadle, V. Salters, G. Alodia, M. Broecker, D. Brunelli, Mapping the mantle on the Marion Rise, AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract T13A-01, 2019.
Tominaga, M., M.A. Tivey, and W.W. Sager, A New Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale Model for Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract GP44A-08, 2019.
Tao, W., C. Tao, M. Tivey, J. Zhang, Multi-stage detachment faulting controls hydrothermal activity in the Dragon Horn area (49.7°E, SWIR): Insight from magnetic studies, AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract V33E-0233, 2019.
Reysenbach, A-L., F. Caratori Tontini, C.E.J. de Ronde, S.E. Humphris, M.A. Tivey, A. Diehl, G. Flores, V. Schenker, L. Stewart, V. Stucker, and S.L. Walker, Hydrothermal and Microbiological Investigations of the Active Brothers Volcano in the Kermadec Arc, 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract OS24, 2018.
Caratori Tontini, F., M. Tivey, C.E.J. de Ronde, and S. Humphris, Heat-flow and near-seafloor magnetic anomalies highlight hydrothermal circulation at Brothers volcano (southern Kermadec Arc), 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract OS24, 2018.
Tao, W., T. Chunhui, M. Tivey, Z. Fei, and Z. Jinhui, High-resolution magnetic exploration of Longqi hydrothermal field (49.6°E) on SWIR, 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract OS24, 2018.
Beaulieu, S., P. Hoagland, C. German, and M. Tivey, Applying an economic value framework to ecosystem services from deep-sea vents, 6th International Symposium on Chemosynthesis-Based Ecosystems, Woods Hole, Aug 27 - Sep 1, 2017.
Greene, J., D. Lizarralde, M. Tominaga, and M. Tivey, Seismic Characterization of Silica Diagenesis in the Northwestern Pacific, AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract OS53A-1174, 2017.
Tominaga, M., M. Tivey, and W. Sager, Toward establishing a definitive Mid Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (M-series) Geomagnetic Polarity Reversal Time Scale through unraveling the nature of Jurassic Quiet Zone, AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract GP42A-04, 2017.
Tominaga, M., M. Tivey, and W. Sager, Revising (Re-defining?) the Jurassic Magnetic Quiet Zone, AGU Fall Meeting Abstract, DI13A-2350, 2016.
Claus, B., M. Tominaga, M. Tivey and J. Kinsey, Observing Crustal Magnetic Anomalies in Remote Ocean Regions: Filling in the Gaps, AGU Fall Meeting Abstract,OS41B-1954, 2016.
Xu, M. and M.A. Tivey, Investigation of a marine magnetic polarity reversal boundary in cross-section at the northern boundary of the Kane Megamullion, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 23°40’N, AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract GP43C-1253, 2016.
Bowles, J., A. Morris, M. Tivey and IODP Expedition 360 Scientist Party, Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic results from in-situ oceanic gabbro from Atlantis Bank: IODP Expedition 360, AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract GP43C-1256, 2016.
Morris, A., J. Bowles, M. Tivey and IODP Expedition 360 Scientist Party, Paleomagnetic constraints on the evolution of Atlantis Bank: results from IODP Expedition 360 "SW Indian Ridge Lower Crust and Moho", AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract OS31D-2059, 2016.
Tominaga, M., M.A. Tivey, and W.W. Sager, Nature of the Jurassic Magnetic Quiet Zone revealed by sea surface, mid-water, and near source magnetic sensor data in the western Pacific, AGU Fall Meeting Abstract V21-3016, 2015.
Feng, H.S., D. Lizarralde, L.A. Hart, M. Tominaga, M.A. Tivey and S.A. Swift, Extent and impact of Cretaceous magmatism on the formation and evolution of Jurassic oceanic crust in the western Pacific, AGU Fall Meeting Abstract GP23B-1310, 2015.
Caratori Tontini, F., C.E.J. de Ronde, M.A. Tivey and J.C. Kinsey, Near-seafloor magnetic exploration of submarine hydrothermal systems in the Kermadec arc, AGU Fall Meeting Abstract OS51E-02, (invited) 2014.
Tivey, M.A., N. Farr, J. Ware, C. Pontbriand and L.P. Pelletier, A high-speed optical modem communications system for CORK seafloor observatories, AGU Fall Meeting Abstract OS53D-1083, 2014.
Stucker, V., M. Tivey, J. Lupton, S. Walker, and C. de Ronde, Spatial and temporal changes to the water chemistry and heat flux of the Lake Rotomahana hydrothermal system, AGU Fall Meeting Abstract V13D-03, 2014.
Hart, L., M. Tominaga, M.A. Tivey, J.C. Kinsey, and W.W. Sager, Gravity anomaly investigation on the formation and evolution of the Hawaiian Jurassic Quiet Zone upper oceanic lithosphere, ASLO Meeting, Abstract 164:5218, 2014.
Chandler, M.T., M. Tominaga, W.W. Sager, M.A. Tivey and P. Fucile, Mapping the marine magnetic field using autonomous magnetic drifters, ASLO Meeting, Abstract 071:15622, 2014.
Beinlich, A., M. Tominaga, O. Pluemper, J. Hoevelmann, M. Tivey, E.A. Lima, B.P. Weiss H. Austrheim and B. Jamtveit, Natural Serpentinite Carbonation at Linnajavri, N-Norway, AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract MR22A-02, (Invited), 2013.
Hansen, L., M.J. Cheadle, B.E. John, S.M. Swapp, H.J.B. Dick, B.E. Tucholke, and M.A. Tivey, Mylonitic deformation at the Kane oceanic core complex: Implications for the rheological behavior of oceanic detachment faults, AGU Fall meeting, Abstract T21F-03, (Invited), 2013.
Tominaga, M., M. Tivey and W. Sager, The origin of the Jurassic Quiet Zone: new insights from Hawaiian Jurassic magnetic anomalies, AGU Fall meeting, Abstract GP13A-1134, (Invited), 2013.
Hsu, L., K.A. Lehnert, S.M. Carbotte, V.L. Ferrini, J. Delano, J. Gill, and M. Tivey, Rescue of Long-Tail Data from the Ocean Bottom to the Moon, AGU Fall meeting, Abstract IN12A-03, 2013.
Mathews, N.J., A.J. Oakley, D. Lizarralde, M. Tominaga, M. Tivey and W.W. Sager, Seafloor structure and shallow sedimentation in the Pigafetta Basin, Magellan Seamount Chain, and East Mariana Basin of the Central Western Pacific, AGU Fall meeting, Abstract T51B-2472, 2013.
Thal, J., W. Bach, M. Tivey and D. Yoerger, Volcanic and hydrothermal activity of the North Su volcano: New insights from repeated bathymetric surveys and ROV observations. AGU Fall meeting, Abstract OS11D-1667, 2013.
Salmi, M., M. Hutnak, C. Hearn, M. Tivey, T. Bjorklund, H. P. Johnson, Characterization of Active Hydrothermal Fluid Discharge and Recharge Zones in the Endeavour Axial Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge, AGU Fall meeting, Abstract OS12D-1761, 2012.
Tominaga, M., A. Beinlich, M. Tivey, E. Lima and B. Weiss, Magnetic mapping of (carbonated) oceanic crust-mantle boundary: new insights from Linnajavri, northern Norway, AGU Fall meeting, Abstract T43D-2706, 2012.
Tivey, M., M. Tominaga and W.W. Sager, The last frontier? High-resolution, near-bottom measurements of the Hawaiian Jurassic magnetic anomaly sequence AGU Fall meeting, Invited Abstract T42B-02, 2012.
Oakley, A.J., N. Mathews, M. Tominaga, M. Tivey, W.W. Sager, D. Lizarralde, New seamounts and broad seafloor depressions revealed in shipboard geophysical data from the Early Cretaceous - Middle Jurassic seafloor, Central-Western Pacific, AGU Fall meeting, Abstract OS51E-1929, 2012.
German, C.R., D.J. Fornari, P. Fryer, P.R. Girguis, S.E. Humphris, D.S. Kelley, M. Tivey, C.L. Van Dover, and K. Von Damm, Being There & Getting Back Again: Half a Century of Deep Ocean Research & Discovery with the Human Occupied Vehicle "Alvin", AGU Fall meeting (Invited), OS53E-06, 2012.
Salmi, M.S., H.P. Johnson, M. Hutnak, M.A. Tivey, and T.A. Bjorklund, Discovery of large areas of active hydrothermal discharge and recharge in a mid-ocean ridge axial valley, AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting Abstract: 12712, Salt Lake City, NV, 2012.
Caratori Tontini, F., C. de Ronde, M. Leybourne, D. Yoerger, J. Kinsey and M. Tivey, 3D Focused inversion of magnetic data with application to submarine hydrothermal venting in the Kermadec Arc (New Zealand), EOS Trans. AGU, 92(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract GP34A-01, 2011.
Thal, J., W. Bach, M. Tivey, D.R. Yoerger, High-resolution geologic mapping in the eastern Manus Basin, EOS Trans. AGU, 92(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract OS13A-1504, 2011.
Tivey, M., N. Farr, J. Ware and C. Pontbriand, Results from an Integrated Optical/Acoustic Communication System Installed at CORK 857D: Implications for Future Seafloor Observatories, EOS Trans. AGU, 92(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract OS11A-1464, 2011.
MacLeod, C.J., M. Tominaga, M. Tivey, A. Morris, and D. Shillington, Characterization of the in situ magnetic and lithologic architecture of Hess Deep using near-bottom vector magnetic data, EOS Trans. AGU, 91(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS14A-05, 2010.
Caratori Tontini, F., B.W. Davy, C.E. de Ronde, R.W. Embley, and M. Tivey, Potential-field inversion from uneven tracks with application to the Brothers volcano AUV magnetic data (Kermadec Arc, New Zealand), EOS Trans. AGU, 91(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NS31A-1383, 2010.
Tivey, M., N. Farr, J. Ware, and C.T. Pontbriand, An integrated optical/acoustic communication system for seafloor observatories, EOS Trans. AGU, 91(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U43A-05, 2010.
Farr, N., J. Ware, C.T. Pontbriand, D.E. Frye, and M. Tivey, An integrated optical/acoustic communications system, IEEE/MTS Oceans Meeting, Seattle, USA, 2010.
Farr, N., J. Ware, C.T. Pontbriand, D.E. Frye, and M. Tivey, Integrated optical/acoustic communications system for deep sea data transfer and vehicle control, AGU Ocean Sciences abstract MT23A-04, Portland, 2010.
Farr, N., J. Ware, C.T. Pontbriand, D.E. Frye, and M. Tivey, An integrated optical/acoustic communications system, IEEE/MTS Oceans Meeting, Sidney, Australia, paper 100129-029, 2010.
Soule, S.A., K.H. Rubin, D.J. Fornari, M.R. Perfit, V.L. Ferrini, S.M. White, T.M. Shank, A. Fundis, D.S. Nakata, M. Tivey and A.R. Goss, Volcanic eruption and emplacement during the 2005-06 magmatic event at the East Pacific Rise R2K Integrated Study Site, EOS Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS11B-03, 2009.
Kinsey, J.C., M.A. Tivey and D.R. Yoerger,., Toward High-Spatial Resolution Gravity Surveying of the Mid-Ocean Ridges with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, IEEE/MTS Oceans Conference Proc., Quebec, 2008.
Zhu, J., J. Lin, Y. Chen, C. German, D. Yoerger, C. Tao and M. Tivey, Near-bottom magnetic observation of the first active hydrothermal vent field at the southwest Indian Ridge, EOS Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T43B-2032, 2008.
Yeo, I., R.C. Searle, K. Achenbach, M. Tivey, T. LeBas, B.J. Murton, P.J. van Calsteren and JC24 Shipboard Scientific Party, Detailed distribution and rapid degradation of small seamounts on the MAR axial volcanic ridge, 45°30'N, EOS Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T41D-08, 2008.
Dick, H.J.B., B.E. Tucholke, M.A. Tivey, and J.P. Canales, Evidence for focused melt flow and transient instabilities in the shallow mantle beneath the mid-Atlantic Ridge at Kane Megamullion, RIDGE 2000 Mid-Atlantic Ridge 35-37.5N, Implementation Plan Workshop, 27-28 March 2008, Portland OR.
Dick, H.J.B., B.E. Tucholke, M. A. Tivey, focused melt flow in the shallow mantle: Evidence for transient instabilities in the partially molten mantle beneath an ocean ridge? Geochim. Cosmo Acta, 72(12), A216, 2008.
Nugroho, C.N., S-M. Lee, M.A. Tivey and W.W. Sager, Preliminary analysis of 3.5 Khz sub-bottom acoustic reflectors from chert layer in Pigafetta Basin, East of Mariana Trench, submitted to Korean Society of Oceanography Fall Meeting Seoul, 2007.
Hansen, L.N., M.J. Cheadle, B.E. John, S.M. Swapp, H.J.B. Dick, B.E. Tucholke, and M.A. Tivey, Styles of detachment faulting at the Kane Fracture Zone oceanic core complex. 23?N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, EOS Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T51F-07, 2007.
Soule, S.A., S.M. White, D.J. Fornari, V.L. Ferrini, and M.A. Tivey, Comparison of Pre- and Post- Eruption surveys of the 2005-2006 East Pacific Rise volcanic event: Implications for fast-spreading mid-ocean ridge eruption processes, EOS Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract, 2007.
Tucholke, B.E., H.J.B. Dick, M.A. Tivey, and S.E. Humphris, Cemented mounds perched on the Kane Megamullion detachment surface: A new manifestation of hydrothermal venting?, EOS Trans. AGU, 88, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract, 2007.
Williams, C.M., M.A. Tivey, M.D. Behn, H.J.B. Dick, and B.E. Tucholke, Geometry of a Polarity Reversal Boundary in Lower Crust and Upper Mantle at Kane Megamullion, EOS Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract, 2007.
Bach, W., M.A. Tivey, J.S. Seewald, M.K. Tivey, P.R.Craddock and D. Yoerger, Variable basement composition and magma degassing affecting hydrothermal systems in the Eastern Manus Basin: EOS Trans AGU,88(52), V21D-0749, 2007.
Bach, W., J.S. Seewald, M.A. Tivey, M.K. Tivey, D. Yoerger, P.R.Craddock and the Scientific Party of MGLN06MV, Hydrothermal systems in the eastern Manus Basin: Effects of phase separation and fluid mixing, Abstract Goldschmidt Conf., Cologne, 2007.
Seewald, J., E. Reeves, P. Saccocia, O. Rouxel, E. Walsh, P. Craddock, M. A. Tivey, W. Bach, M. K. Tivey, Tracing styles of hydrothermal circulation in Manus Basin using vent fluid composition. EGU General Assembly 2007, Geophysical Research Abstracts 9, 10057, 2007.
Davy, B., C.E.J. de Ronde, M. Tivey, R. Embley, and D. Yoerger, Magnetic surveying of Brothers volcano, Kermadec arc – High resolution near-bottom AUV surveying and regional surface-tow measurements, Joint Geological Society of New Zealand and New Zealand Geophysical Society Annual Conference, Abstract pg 36, November 26-27,Tauranga, NZ, 2007.
Embley et al., Preliminary Results of a Near-Bottom Integrated Seafloor and Water Column survey of Brothers volcano, Kermadec arc, Using the Autonomous Vehicle ABE, EOS Trans. AGU, 88, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract, 2007.
Adam Soule, Dan Fornari, Tim Shank, and Maurice Tivey, The influence of volcanic eruptions on hydrothermal vent succession: the case of Rose Garden and Rosebud on the Eastern Galapagos Rift (86?W), Ridge2000 Theoretical Institute 2006.
Williams, C.M., M.A. Tivey, and M.D. Behn, The Magnetic Structure of Kane Megamullion: Results from Marine Magnetic Anomalies, Paleomagnetic Data and Thermal Modeling., EOS Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T24A-03, 2006.
Soule, S.A., D.J. Fornari, K.H. Rubin, M.R. Perfit, M.A. Tivey, T.M. Shank, M. Tolstoy, F. Waldhauser, J.P. Cowen, K.L. Von Damm, Extent and dynamics of the 2005-06 volcanic eruptions of the East Pacific Rise, 9?46'-56'N, EOS Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V23B-0601, 2006.
Fornari, D.J., Soule, A., M.R. Perfit, K.H. Rubin, T.M. Shank, J.P. Cowen, K.L. Von Damm, M.A. Tivey, Variability in Eruptive Vents and Lava Morphology of the 2005-2006 EPR Eruptions near 9 50'N, EOS Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V23B-0603, 2006.
Tivey, M.A., W. Bach, M.K. Tivey, J. Seewald, P..Craddock, O. Rouxel, D. Yoerger, C. Yeats, T. McConachy, M. Quigley, D. Vanko and the Scientific Party of MGLN06, Investigating the influence of magmatic volatile input and seawater entrainment on vent deposit morphology and composition in Manus Basin (back-arc) hydrothermal systems, EOS Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract B34A-01, 2006.
Glass, J.B., Fornari, D.J., Tivey, M.A., Hall, H.F., Cougan, A.A., Berkenbosch, H.A., Holmes, M.L., White, S.M., del la Torre G., New Insights on Submarine Volcanism in the Western Galapagos Archipelago from High Resolution Sonar and Magnetic Surveys, EOS Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V23A-0590, 2006.
Seewald, J., E. Reeves, P. Saccocia, O. Rouxel, E. Walsh, R. Price, M.A. Tivey, W. Bach, M.K. Tivey and the Scientific Party of MGLN06, Water-Rock Reaction, Substrate Composition, Magmatic Degassing, and Mixing as Major Factors Controlling Vent Fluid Compositions in Manus Basin Hydrothermal Systems, EOS Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract B34A-02, 2006.
Fornari, D.J., S.A. Soule, J. Escartin, M. Perfit, M. Tivey, H. Schouten, V.L. Ferrini, Detailed studies of the axial summit trough of the East Pacific Rise 9-10N, EOS Trans. AGU Fall Meeting Suppl., T31A-0491, 2005.
Williams, C.M., M.A. Tivey, B.E. Tucholke, H.J. Dick, The nature of a magnetic polarity boundary in the lower crust and upper mantle at Kane megamullion, EOS Trans. AGU Fall Meeting Suppl., T41D-1332, 2005.
Cheadle, M.J. B.E. Tucholke, M.A. Tivey, H.J. Dick, J..J. Schwartz and L.N. Hansen, The Nature of Detachment faulting at the Kane Megamullion: Initial Results, EOS Trans. AGU Fall Meeting Suppl. T41D-1331, 2005.
Dick, H.J., M.A. Tivey, B.E. Tucholke, and M.J. Cheadle, The Plutonic Foundation of a MAR Ridge Spreading Segment: The Kane Oceanic Core Complex, EOS Trans. AGU Fall Meeting Suppl., T33G-02, 2005.
Tucholke, B.E., H.J. Dick, M.A. Tivey, M.J. Cheadle, Structure of Kane Megamullion, EOS Trans. AGU Fall Meeting Suppl., T33G-01, 2005.
Brown, R., M. Tivey, B. Walden, R. Detrick, A new replacement for the deep diving submersible ALVIN: Initial project update and concept, EOS Trans. AGU Fall Meeting Suppl., OS43B-0559, 2004.
Ferrini, V., D.J. Fornari,T.M. Shank, M. Tivey, D.S. Kelley, D. Glickson, S.M. Carbotte, J. Howland, L.L. Whitcomb, and D. Yoerger, Very High Resolution Bathymetric Mapping at the Ridge 2000 Integrated Study Sites: Acquisition and Processing Protocols Developed During Recent Alvin Field Programs to the East Pacific Rise and Juan de Fuca Ridge , EOS Trans. AGU Fall Meeting Suppl., B13A-0162, 2004.
Fornari, D.J., J. Escartin, A. Soule, H. Schouten, M. Tivey, and V. Ferrini, Burying Tectonic Strain Under Lava Flows at the East Pacific Rise (9 N 26'-58'N), EOS Trans. AGU Fall Meeting Suppl., B13A-0167, 2004.
Pollock, M.A. E.M. Klein, J.A. Karson, M.A. Tivey, Spatial and geochemical variations of lavas exposed along a crustal section in the Blanco Transform: Insights into accretion of the upper oceanic crust at the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge, EOS Trans. AGU Fall Meeting Suppl., T13B-1360, 2004.
Rzhanov, Y., L.Mayer, D. Fornari, A. Soule, T. Shank, S. Beaulieu, H. Schouten, and M. Tivey, Mosaicking techniques for deep submergence vehicle video imagery – Applications to Ridge2000 Science, EOS Trans. AGU Fall Meeting Suppl., B13A-0163 2004.
Soule, S.A., D.J. Fornari, M. Perfit, I. Ridley, M. Tivey, H. Schouten and V.L. Ferrini, Off-axis lava transport at the East Pacific Rise 9-10degrees N: channelized lava flows, EOS Trans. AGU Fall Meeting Suppl., B13A-0166, 2004.
Tominaga, M., W.W. Sager, and M.A. Tivey, Deep-tow study of magnetic anomalies in the Pacific Jurassic Quiet Zone, EOS Trans. AGU Fall Meeting Suppl., GP43B-0856, 2004.
Tivey, M.A., R. Larson, W. W. Sager, S-M. Lee, R. Pockalny and H. Schouten, Near-bottom seafloor spreading anomalies around Hole 801C in Pacific Jurassic crust, EOS Trans. AGU, Joint Assem. Suppl., Abstract GP54A-01, 2004.
Tivey, M.A., Insights into the magnetic structure of oceanic crust from near-bottom magnetic field observations, EOS Trans. AGU, Joint Assem. Suppl., Abstract GP53A-06, 2004.
Tivey, M.A., W. W. Sager, and S-M. Lee, Deeptow magnetic survey of the Pacific Jurassic Quiet Zone: implication for seafloor spreading anomalies, EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meeting Suppl., 84 (46), GP32A-07, 2003.
Becker, N., A. Sterling, P. Fryer, B. Appelgate, and M. Tivey, Comparison of sidescan and swath bathymetry and imagery: Merging various types of swath mapping sonar data sets using a variety of post-processing display techniques, EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meeting Suppl., 84 (46), OS32A-0237, 2003.
Garry, W.B., T.K. Gregg, H. Schouten, M. Tivey, and D. Fornari, Morphologic comparison of submarine lava channels on the East Pacific Rise and simulated lava channels, EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meeting Suppl., 84 (46), V21D-0547, 2003.
Williams, C.M., M.A. Tivey, D.J. Fornari, H. Schouten, An investigation of small-scale ridge axis offsets using near-bottom magnetic data from the East Pacific Rise, 9° 25’N to 9° 58’N, EOS Trans. AGU (Fall Meeting), B12A-0737, 2003.
William W. Sager and Maurice Tivey, Deep-tow Investigations of “Tiny Wiggles” in the Pacific Jurassic “Quiet Zone”, Chapman Conference on Timescales of the Geomagnetic Field, Gainesville, FL, 9-11 March 2003.
Perfit, M.R., D.S. Stakes, M.A.Tivey, S.E. Kulp, W.I. Ridley, and T.M. Ramirez, Magmagenesis and crustal formation along the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge (JdFR): Results of fine-scale sampling and mapping, EGS-AGU-EUG Spring Meeting, 5, 7287, Abstract EAE03-A07287, Nice, France, May 2003.
Tivey, M.A., D. Fornari, H. Schouten, A. Bradley, D. Yoerger, H.P. Johnson, R. Embley, W. Chadwick, T. Shank, S. Hammond, High-resolution magnetic field and bathymetric imaging using autonomous underwater vehicles, remotely operated vehicles and submersibles, EGS-AGU-EUG Spring Meeting, 5, 2858, Abstract EAE03-A02858, Nice, France, May 2003.
Schouten, H., M. Tivey, D. Fornari, and M. Edwards, High-resolution, near-bottom observations of lava transport and accumulation on East Pacific Rise 9-10N, EGS-AGU-EUG Spring Meeting, 5, 12502, Abstract EAE03-A12502, Nice, France, May 2003.
Tivey, M.A., R. Embley, W. Chadwick, A. Bradley and D. Yoerger, High-Resolution Magnetic Field Mapping Over Explorer Ridge - NOAA Ocean Exploration Program, EOS Trans. AGU (Fall Meeting), 83(47), T11C-1267, 2002.
Schouten, H., M. Tivey, D. Fornari, D. Yoerger, A. Bradley, P. Johnson, M. Edwards and T. Kurokawa, Lava Transport and Accumulation Processes on EPR 9° 27'N to 10°N: Interpretations Based on Recent Near-Bottom Sonar Imaging and Seafloor Observations Using ABE, Alvin and a new Digital Deep Sea Camera, EOS Trans. AGU (Fall Meeting), T11C-1262 2002.
Kurokawa, T., M. Edwards, P. Johnson, D. Fornari, H. Schouten, and M. Tivey, Possible Recent Volcanic Activity on the East Pacific Rise at 9° 32'N, EOS Trans. AGU (Fall Meeting), 83 (47), V52A-1283 2002.
Stakes, D.S., M. Perfit, C. G. Wheat, E. Delong, M.A. Tivey, and T.M. Ramirez, Evidence of Volcanism and Extensive Low-Temperature Off-Axis Hydrothermal Venting along the Cleft Segment of the Southern Juan de Fuca Ridge (JdFR), EOS Trans. AGU (Fall Meeting), 83 (47), V61B-1366 2002.
Hammond, S., T. Shank, D. Fornari, D. Yoerger, A. Bradley, D. Scheirer, M. Tivey and AT7-13 scientific party, Multidisciplinary investigations of the Galapagos Rift 86°W to 89.5°W: Exploration for new hydrothermal vents – 25th anniversary of the discovery of hydrothermal vents, EOS Trans. AGU (Fall Meeting), 83 (47), T11C-1255 2002.
Embley, R.W., E.T. Baker; J. Baross; A.E. Bates; Y.C. Beaudoin; A.M. Bradley; D.A. Butterfield; W.W. Chadwick Jr.; B.L. Cousens; K.M. Gillis; M. Jakuba; K. Juniper; R.J. Leveille; M. Lilley; J.E. Lupton; S.G. Merle; K. Nakamura; A. Metaxas; C.L. Moyer; J.E. Resing; S.D. Scott, M.A. Tivey; V. Tunnicliffe; A. Williams-Jones; D.R. Yoerger, Rediscovery and Exploration of Magic Mountain, Explorer Ridge, NE Pacific, EOS Trans. AGU (Fall Meeting), 83 (47), T11C-1264 2002.
Perfit, M, D. Stakes, W.I. Ridley, D., M.A. Tivey, T. Ramirez, J. Kela, and S. Kulp, Evaluation of the split-ridge hypothesis and generation of oceanic crust along the Cleft segment of the Southern Juan de Fuca Ridge, EOS Trans. AGU, 82, 47, F1278, (Fall Meeting), 2001.
Tivey, M.A., H.P. Johnson and Thermal Grid Scientific Party, (RIDGE Endeavour Observatory workshop), Sept. 2001.
Tivey, M.A., H.P. Johnson and Thermal Grid Scientific Party, High-resolution geophysical mapping of the hydrothermal vent systems at Endeavour Ridge, Juan de Fuca, EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meeting, 82, 46, F612, , 2001.
Stakes, D., M. Perfit, M. A. Tivey, K. Salamy, and T. Ramirez, Tectonomagmatic cycles and crustal evolution on the Cleft segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, EGS Meeting, 2001.
Gregg, P., D. Smith, L. Kong, K. Johnson, J. Reynolds, F. Trusdell, M. Tivey, W. Zhu, M. Bulmer, M. Avgerinos, D. Geist, T. Naumann, J. Mercer, T. Dulaney, and E. Bergmanis, Lava depocenters at the summit of the submarine Puna ridge, Kilauea volcano, EOS Trans. AGU, (Fall Meeting), F1351, 2000.
Hosford, A., M.A. Tivey, and D.K. Smith, Building the crust at the southwest Indian Ridge, 57° - 58°30'E, EOS Trans. AGU, (Fall Meeting), F1129, 2000.
Stakes, D., M. Perfit, M. A. Tivey, K. Salamy, and T. Ramirez, Tectonomagmatic cycles and crustal evolution on the Cleft segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, EOS Trans. AGU, (Fall Meeting), F1078, 2000.
Yoerger, D., J.R. Cochran, D.J. Formari, R. Herr, T. McGee, H. Schouten and M. A. Tivey, Near-bottom, underway gravity survey of the small overlapping spreading center at 9°37'N on the east Pacific Rise Crest, EOS Trans. AGU, (Fall Meeting), F1077, 2000.
Tivey, M.A., Non-Riser Drilling ODP-Post 2003: Future ideas and directions, Abstract volume: Post-2003 Drilling Ocean Drilling Program Workshop, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, May 1999.
Tivey, M.A., Regional Geophysics of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, Invited abstract RIDGE Workshop -Juan de Fuca Ridge Symposium, Nov, 1999.
Tivey, M.A., and H. Schouten, Magnetism of the Juan de Fuca Ridge: The next dimension, Abstract RIDGE Workshop -Juan de Fuca Ridge Symposium, Nov, 1999.
Tivey, M.A., Wireless oceanography, Abstract RIDGE 2000 Workshop, Newport, OR, Sept. 1999.
Tivey, M.A. and G. Christeson, High-resolution Magnetic Imaging of Extrusive and Intrusive Crust at Hess Deep and a Comparison With Juan de Fuca and Hole 504B Results, EOS Trans. AGU, (Fall Meeting), 80:46, F985, 1999.
Hosford, A., M.A. Tivey, and T. Matsumoto, The spreading history, segmentation, and crustal structure of the Atlantis segment, Southwest Indian Ridge, EOS Trans. AGU, (Fall Meeting), 80:46, F957, 1999.
Larson, R.L., H. Schouten, M.A. Tivey, and ODP Leg 185 Shipboard Scientific Party, Multiple reversals and/or intensity fluctuations in the Jurassic magnetic quiet zone (JQZ) measured by downhole logging in ODP Hole 801C, EOS Trans. AGU, (Fall Meeting), 80:46, F526, 1999.
Johnson, H.P., and M.A. Tivey, A re-evaluation of a contribution to marine magnetic anomalies from lower crustal rocks, EOS Trans. AGU, 79, 45, F230, 1998.
MacLeod, C, Allerton, S, Dick, H, Robinson, P and JR31 Scientific Party, High resolution geological mapping and sampling of the lower ocean crust from a near-bottom video and wireline drilling survey, EOS Trans AGU, 79, 45, F812, 1998.
MacLeod, C., Allerton, S., Dick, H., Robinson, P., and JCR 31 Science Party, Geology of Atlantis Bank, SW Indian Ridge: Preliminary Results of RRS James Clark Ross Cruise 31 EOS, Trans AGU, 79, 45, F893, 1998.
Rona, P.A., K. Fujioka, T. Ishihara, H. Chiba, H. Masuda-Nakaya, T. Oomori, M.C. Kleinrock, M.A. Tivey, M. Watanabe, and C. Lalou, An active low-temperature mound and a large inactive sulfide mound found in the TAG Hydrothermal Field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 26°N, 45°W, EOS Trans. AGU, 79, 45, F920, 1998.
Schouten, H., M.A. Tivey, and D.J. Fornari, High-resolution image of magnetic layer 2A: EPR 9-10°N, EOS Trans. AGU, 79, 45, F816, 1998.
Tivey, M.A., H. Schouten, and D.J. Fornari, High-resolution magnetic studies of the spreading axis of the East Pacific Rise between 9°30’-9°50’N: Imaging magnetic layer 2A, RIDGE workshop: Results of field studies Along the East Pacific Rise, (abstract) 9°-10°N, Sept 24-27, Santa Barbara, CA, 1998.
Tivey, M.A., and S. Allerton, Vine-Matthews lineations recorded in lower oceanic crust: Oriented core and near-bottom magnetic survey results, EOS Trans. AGU, 79, 45, F230, 1998.
Tivey, M.A., and N.C. Mitchell, A synthesis of submersible dives on mid-ocean ridges: composition of oceanic crust and rock slope geomorphology, EOS Trans. AGU, 79, 45, F817, 1998.
Tivey, M.A., and H. Schouten, Magnetism of the midocean ridge axis and implications for crustal accretion, EOS Trans. AGU, 78:46, 641, 1997.
Tivey, M.A., and M.C. Kleinrock, A deeptow magnetic survey of the TAG ridge segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 26°N, EOS Trans. AGU, 78:46, 669, 1997.
Johnson, H.P., D. Van Patten and M.A. Tivey, Structure of upper oceanic crust from seafloor gravity measurements near the Blanco fracture zone, EOS Trans. AGU, 77:46, F707, 1996.
Smith, D.K., and M.A. Tivey, Volcanological insights gained from integrating TOBI sidescan sonar and surface collected magnetic and multibeam data at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (24° - 30°N), FARA Interridge meeting, Iceland, June 1996.
Tivey, M.A., High resolution magnetic studies of the magnetization of oceanic crust, in Program and collected abstracts, International Symposium on Deep Sea Research in Subduction Zones, Spreading Centers and Backarc Basins, p21, JAMSTEC, Tokyo, 1996.
Fleutelot, C., T. Juteau, M.A. Tivey and BLANCOVIN Scientific Team, The Parks Plateau Unveiled, EOS Trans. AGU, 76, 46, F421, 1995.
Hussenoeder, S.A., M.A. Tivey and H. Schouten, Near-bottom magnetic survey of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge axis 24°-24°40'N, IUGG XXI General Assembly , p. A179,(abstract), 1995.
Sager, W.W., C.J. Weiss, M.A. Tivey and H.P. Johnson, Magnetic reversal model of deeptow magnetic data from the Pacific Jurassic Quiet Zone, EOS Trans. AGU, 76, 46, F175, 1995.
Schneider, D.A. and M.A. Tivey, A method for absolute intensity from sediments, EOS Trans. AGU, 76, 46, F171, 1995.
Tivey, M A, C Fleutelot, S Hussenoeder, H P Johnson, R M Lawrence, D D Naidoo, D van Patten, C Waters and F B Wooding, BLANCOVIN: A Submersible Study of Oceanic Crust at a Magnetic Polarity Reversal Boundary, EOS Trans. AGU, 76, 46, F421, 1995.
Tucholke, B.E., M.C. Kleinrock, M.A. Tivey and J Lin, Fast propagating rifts in slow spreading crust, EOS Trans. AGU, 1995.
Yoerger, D., A. Bradley, R. Catanach, A. Duester, S. Liberatore, H. Singh, B. Walden, and M.A. Tivey, Near-bottom magnetic surveys of the Coaxial Ridge Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge using the Autonomous Benthic Explorer Survey vehicle, EOS Trans. AGU, 76, 46, F411, 1995.
Bryan, W.B., H. Fujimoto, and MODE '94 Leg 1 Scientific Party, Submersible observations of the WMARK Ridge-transform intersection, MAR at 23°N, EOS Trans. AGU, 75, 44, 657, 1994.
Fuijmoto, H., W.B. Bryan, T. Matsumoto, T. Furuta, T. Fuijwara, M. Tivey, J. Lin, K. Kobayashi, H. Kinoshita, A. Takeuchi, H. Ishizuka, P. Kelemen, H. Hotta, and M. Purdy, A geophysical survey of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge around the western Kane Transform fault, EOS Trans. AGU, 75, 44, 656, 1994.
Johnson, H.P., D. Van Patten, M.A. Tivey and W.W. Sager, Geomagnetic polarity reversal rate for the phanerozoic, EOS Trans. AGU, 75, 44, 202, 1994.
Rona, P.A., S. Petersen, M.D. Hannington, P.M. Herzig, M.A. Tivey , M. Kleinrock, S.E. Humphris, G. Thompson, and C. Lalou, ALVIN zone of the TAG hydrothermal field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 26°N, 45°W, EOS Trans. AGU, 75, 44, 706, 1994.
Van Patten, D., H.P. Johnson, M.A. Tivey and W.W. Sager, Anomalous geomagnetic polarity bias at the Jurassic/Triassic boundary, EOS Trans. AGU, 75, 44, 202, 1994.
Shaw, P.R., M.A. Tivey , B.E. Tucholke, M.C. Kleinrock, and J. Lin, Past plate motions recorded in abyssal hill lineations and magnetic lineations on the western flank of the MAR, 26N, EOS Trans. AGU, 75, 330, 1994.
Tivey, M.A., G.M. Kent, D.J. Fornari, and J.R. Cochran, Submersible magnetic profiles across the East Pacific Rise at 9°50'N and 9°30'N. Implications for Layer 2A structure, EOS Trans. AGU, 75, 44, 601, 1994.
Hussenoeder, S.A., M.A. Tivey and H. Schouten, Near-bottom magnetic survey of the mid-Atlantic ridge axis 24°-24°40'N, EOS Trans. AGU, 74, 43, 574, 1993.
Johnson, H.P., M.A. Tivey and M.L. Holmes, A geophysical study of a new eruption on the axial seamount segment of the Juan de Fuca ridge, EOS Trans. AGU, 74, 43, 620, 1993.
Schouten, H. and M.A. Tivey, Atlantic magnetic anomaly variability revisited, EOS Trans. AGU, 74, 43, 216, 1993.
Tivey, M.A., A direct measurement of the extrusive lava contribution to the marine magnetic anomaly signal using a submersible, EOS Trans. AGU, 74, 43, 216, 1993.
Tivey, M.A., T. Juteau, and Blanconaute Scientific Team, The vertical magnetic structure of oceanic crust determined by submersible, EUG VII, Strasbourg, Terra abstracts, 5, 81, 1993.
Kleinrock, M.C., B.E. Tucholke, J. Lin, and M.A. Tivey, The trace of nontransform offsets and the evolution of Mid-Atlantic Ridge spreading segments between 25°25'N and 27°10'N over the past 30 m.y., EOS Trans. AGU, 73, 43, 538, 1992.
Tivey, M.A., A measurement of the vertical magnetic structure of ocean crust using near bottom sensors, EOS Trans. AGU, 73, 14, 90, 1992.
BLANCONAUTE Shipboard Party, The western Blanco transform: Preliminary insights into the oceanic crustal architecture and transform zone processes, EOS Trans. AGU, 72, 44, 519, 1991.
Tivey, M.A., N. Nomanbhoy, and H.P. Johnson, The fine-scale magnetic anomaly field over the Southern Juan de Fuca Ridge spreading center, EOS Trans. AGU, 72, 44, 230, 1991.
Tivey, M.A. and H.P. Johnson, Crustal evolution and the implications for the magnetization of oceanic crust, EOS Trans. AGU, 72, 44, 448, 1991.
Tivey, M.A., P.A. Rona and H. Schouten, A submersible investigation of the magnetic field over the TAG active hydrothermal mound on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 26°08'N, 44°49'W, EOS Trans. AGU, 72, 265, 1991.
CREVEX I shipboard party, Studies of crustal evolution, zero to 1 My: The Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, EOS Trans. AGU, 71, 1675, 1990.
Johnson, H.P. and M.A. Tivey, Tectonic control on hydrothermal systems on the northern Juan de Fuca Ridge:Middle Valley and the Endeavour Segment, EOS Trans. AGU, 71, 1566, 1990.
Purdy, G. M., H. Schouten, M.A. Tivey, and J-C Sempere, High-resolution central magnetic anomaly field along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between 24°N and 31°N, EOS Trans. AGU, 70, 468, 1989.
Tivey, M.A., H. Schouten, J. Lin, J-C Sempere, and A. Wooldridge, Predictions of Hydrothermal Fields on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge based on magnetic anomalies, EOS Trans. AGU, 70, 1325, 1989.
Tivey, M.A., H. Schouten, J-C Sempere, and A. Wooldridge, Implications of the 3-D structure of the TAG magnetic anomaly on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, EOS Trans. AGU, 70, 455, 1989.
Wooldridge, A.L., P.A. Rona, C.G.A. Harrison, M.A. Tivey, and H. Schouten, Two and three dimensional inversion on magnetic anomalies near hydrothermal sites on the Mid-Atlantic and Gorda Ridge, EOS Trans. AGU, 70, 1325, 1989.
Tivey, M.A. and H.P. Johnson, The anomalous magnetic structure of Axial Seamount, Central Juan de Fuca Ridge, EOS Trans. AGU, 69, 1468, 1988.
Tivey, M.A., and H.P. Johnson, The central anomaly magnetic high: magnetics and tectonics of ridge crest processes, Intl. Union of Geodesy and Geophysics , abstr. U9-12, 1, pp. 85, Vancouver, Canada, 1987.
Tivey, M.A., H.P. Johnson, S.R. Hammond, and R.W. Embley, A Deep-Tow Magnetometer Study of the Summit Caldera of Axial Seamount: Juan de Fuca Ridge, Hawaii Symposium on How Volcanoes Work, Hilo, Hawaii, abstr. vol., 1987.
Embley, R.W., M. Tivey, A. Malahoff, and I. Jonasson, Geologic setting of an extinct hydrothermal system on the Galapagos Ridge, EOS Trans. AGU, 67, 1185, 1986.
Jonasson, I., R. Embley, T. Francis, A. Malahoff, M. Perfit, and M. Tivey, Exposure of the alteration zone beneath the Galapagos massive sulfide deposit, EOS Trans. AGU, 66:, 1985.
Tivey, M.A. and H.P. Johnson, A near-bottom magnetic survey over an active hydrothermal vent field: Northern Juan de Fuca Ridge, EOS Trans. AGU, 66, 925, 1985.
MERGE group, Regional setting and local character of a hydrothermal field/sulfide deposit on the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, EOS Trans. AGU, 65(45), 1111, 1984.
Lupton, J.E., J. Delaney, H.P. Johnson, and M. Tivey, Water-Column temperature anomalies near an active deep-sea hydrothermal vent, EOS Trans. AGU, 65(45), O51C-13, 975, 1984.
Attended Meetings & Conferences
- 12/10 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA
- 11/10 RIDGE2000 Synthesis Workshop Portland, OR
- 5/10 AGU Chapman Conference on Oceanic Detachments, May'2010. Agros, Cyprus
- Oct. 2007 Underwater Mining Institute Conference, Tokyo, Japan
- Mar. 2007 Environmental Impact of Marine Mining Workshop, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
- Sep. 2006 IODP Mission Moho Workshop, Portland, OR
- Jun. 2006 AUVs for Scientific Applications, Woods Hole, MA
- Feb. 2004 RIDGE Mid-Atlantic Ridge Workshop, Providence, RI
- Oct. 2002 Advance Technology Education (ATE) Conference, Washington DC
- Sep. 2001 RIDGE Endeavour Observatory Results, Seattle, WA
- May 2001 NSF-MGG Database workshop, San Diego, CA
- Jan. 2001 RIDGE Endeavour Observatory Data management Meeting, Seattle, WA
- Nov. 2000 ODP Remotely Operated Drilling Workshop College Station, TX
- Nov. 1999 RIDGE Symposium on results from Juan de Fuca, Seattle WA
- Sep. 1999 UNOLS DESCEND Workshop, Washington DC
- May 1999 ODP Complex Meeting, Vancouver BC