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Jurassic Magnetism - High resolution surveys - 2011 Cruise

Our most recent expedition (TN272) to study the marine Jurassic magnetic signal in 2011 was with Co-PIs Masako Tominaga (Mich. State Univ) and Will Sager (now U.Houston). We used a state-of-the-art autonomous underwater vehicle AUV Sentry and a deeptow towed magnetic sled with the objective of surveying the Pacific Hawaiian magnetic record to compare with our previous work in the Japanese lineations. Unfortunately, due to technical issues with the AUV only a small portion of AUV data were collected, however, a complete 800 km mid-water depth deeptow profile was collected on the cruise (see AGU poster links below). A new 2014 cruise has been scheduled to redo the AUV near-bottom magnetic survey... stay tuned! As part of this 2011 marine survey we had a significant outreach component with Prof. Adrienne Oakley of Kutztown University who brought undergraduates out on the research vessel.

Map of the survey region in the western Pacific.

Published Materials to Date

Hart, L., M. Tominaga, M.A. Tivey, J.C. Kinsey, and W.W. Sager, Gravity anomaly investigation on the formation and evolution of the Hawaiian Jurassic Quiet Zone upper oceanic lithosphere, ASLO Mtg, 164: abst.15218, 2014.

Tominaga, M., M. Tivey and W. Sager, The origin of the Jurassic Quiet Zone: new insights from Hawaiian Jurassic magnetic anomalies, AGU Fall meeting, Abstract GP13A-1134, (Invited), 2013. Link to the poster

Mathews, N.J., A.J. Oakley, D. Lizarralde, M. Tominaga, M. Tivey and W.W. Sager, Seafloor structure and shallow sedimentation in the Pigafetta Basin, Magellan Seamount Chain, and East Mariana Basin of the Central Western Pacific, AGU Fall meeting, Abstract T51B-2472, 2013. Link to the poster

Tivey, M., M. Tominaga and W.W. Sager, The last frontier? High-resolution, near-bottom measurements of the Hawaiian Jurassic magnetic anomaly sequence, AGU Fall meeting, Invited Abstract T42B-02, 2012.

Oakley, A.J., N. Mathews, M. Tominaga, M. Tivey, W.W. Sager, D. Lizarralde, New seamounts and broad seafloor depressions revealed in shipboard geophysical data from the Early Cretaceous - Middle Jurassic seafloor, Central-Western Pacific, AGU Fall meeting, Abstract OS51E-1929, 2012. Link to the poster