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Chrissy Hernández awarded ESA’s Lotka Prize

At least one good thing has come from a recent virtual meeting:

Christina (Chrissy) Hernández was awarded the 2020 Alfred J. Lotka prize of the Theoretical Ecology Section of the Ecological Society of America. The prize is given to the best poster presented by a student at the annual ESA meeting. Chrissy’s poster was entitled “Maternal effect senescence and fitness: demographic analysis of a novel model organism”. The work has recently been published:

Hernández, C.M., van Daalen, S.F., Caswell, H., Neubert, M.G. and Gribble, K.E., 2020. A demographic and evolutionary analysis of maternal effect senescence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(28), pp.16431-16437.

Congratulations to Chrissy and her co-authors!