Re-launch! - Biological Oceanography Education Blog Skip to content


This is the official re-launch of the Biological Oceanography Education Blog. The blog was initially started by Mike Neubert and maintained from 2007-2015. Our legacy posts may be found here.

The main focus for this page is the MIT-WHOI Joint Ph.D. Program in Biological Oceanography (JPBO). However, we may also sometimes highlight students in our undergraduate programs, guest graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers. Examples of topics you may see in future posts:

  • Student profiles and introductions
  • Announcements of student awards
  • Lists of degrees awarded
  • News about student activities

This blog provides an opportunity for the WHOI community to get to know our students a little better, a forum to share information with the students, and a window into the JPBO for the outside world.

Please send content suggestions to me (Ann Tarrant, JPBO education coordinator) via email: atarrant (at) whoi (dot) edu. Students: Please let me know if you have received an award, such as a fellowship or poster/presentation award at a meeting. I would like to highlight your accomplishments, but I can only do that if I know about them!