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Education and Outreach

The primary goals of CINAR’s Education and Outreach programs are to:

  • Train the next generation of NOAA scientists and managers by providing educational and career training opportunities to students and postdoctoral fellows.
  • Foster communication and collaboration between CINAR investigators and NOAA sponsors and stakeholders.
  • Support the transfer and translation of CINAR research products and operational tools to NOAA managers.
  • Engage with communities and stakeholders involved in resource use and management in the LME NES to improve collaboration and cooperation.

These education and outreach goals are supported by world-class capabilities at each CINAR partner institution and established, strong relationships among the partners and with NOAA labs and programs in the region.  These capabilities include:


CINAR partners offer a number of graduate and graduate degree programs that directly align with NOAA’s mission. along with a strong pool  of postdocs and field-based undergraduate research programs exist in each of CINAR’s five thematic areas.  CI partners also provide science content for informal venues such as their own exhibit centers or in partnerships with regional aquaria and museums.


A variety of partnerships also exists to recruit undergraduate students in marine sciences to participate in NOAA-sponsored research  For several years, CINAR has operated an undergraduate traineeship program, which provides funding to each CI partner institution in support of summer fellowships for students. These students participate in NOAA- relevant research under the supervision of a CINAR investigator.