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CINAR Administration

Version 3

Don Anderson

CINAR Director and Senior Scientist

Dr. Anderson is a Senior Scientist at WHOI, and serves as the Director of the current CINAR program (2009-present).  His ongoing service as the Director of this CI and as a member of the CI Executive Committee brings significant experience and knowledge regarding NOAA research programs and CI operation and management.  In addition, he serves as the Director of the U.S. National Office for HABs, and has significant experience in leading multi-institution and multidisciplinary research programs.  The CINAR Director is responsible for scientific leadership of the CI and for ensuring maintenance and development of scientific programs and priorities.


Mindy Richlen photo

Mindy Richlen

CINAR Associate Director and Research Specialist

Dr. Richlen is a Research Specialist at WHOI, and serves as the current Associate Director of CINAR, as well as its Administrator.  She will be involved in managing research activities and participating in planning and priority-setting activities for the CI.  She is also involved in facilitating coordination among core institutions, NOAA and other partners of the CI through regular scientific and program meetings, overseeing proposal submissions to NOAA and other programs and agencies, and coordinating Education and Outreach activities.


Claire 794K

Claire Anacreon

CINAR Administrative Associate

Claire Anacreon joins CINAR as Administrative Associate and will be assisting with proposal and budget preparation, project expenditure, and reporting.



Denise Wolk

CINAR Senior Administrative Assistant

Denise Wolk joins CINAR as Administrative Assistant and assists with proposal and budget preparation, project expenditure, and reporting.
