In, enter the federal funding opportunity (FFO) number that is assigned to CINAR for this award year: NOAA-OAR-CIPO-2024-2008126 -- Here is the workspace link. Please note: Only the original RFA from 2019 is available at this time. Click here to download it. application page information. On the first page of the application package, please use the following naming convention in the Application Filing Name field: WHOI Proposal #, Institution, PI Last Name (based on the following example: CINAR 123 [Streamlyne proposal #] 12345.00 [Budget Tool # ] WHOI Anderson). Please also use the same convention for naming the submission file. We recommend that you take out a new budget tool number in WHOI Grants, and not use the previous one from the 2019-2024 cycle.
***Download these proposal templates and then refer to instructions below***
- CINAR current coversheet - download here
- Abstract and Project Description - download here
- Budget narrative - download here
The Project Narrative contains (in the following order):
- CINAR cover sheet (download here)
- Abstract and Project Description: please use our template, which is available for download here.
- Note: File name of Project Narrative should not exceed 50 characters - use: Project CINAR 123 12345_00 WHOI PI lastname
- Please make sure that the Abstract and Project Description both have a footer (e.g., Abstract CINAR 123 12345.00 WHOI Anderson – page 1 of 1; Project Narrative CINAR 123 12345.00 WHOI Anderson – page 1 of 12)
Your project narrative must include the following statement:
"Task 1: Task I activities relate to the management and administration of CINAR, including support for the CI director, administrator, and support staff, as well as travel, supplies, and education and outreach activities."
The Budget narrative contains (in the following order):
1. Budget justification. The CINAR template is available for download here. We also encourage you to review the NOAA Grant Management Division guidance, which is available here. In your narrative, include specific details of what is being purchased and why, referencing sections in the WHOI budget (for example: 6. Other 1.a). Also, a generic item such as "Laboratory Supplies - $2,000" should be detailed in the justification, i.e. glassware, chemicals, rubber gloves, etc. Try to avoid using the words “miscellaneous” and "etc." as much as possible. If you are including any supply items over $5,000, please include:
- A description of the item and how it will be used in the project.
- A statement describing “lease vs. purchase” – why you are buying the equipment rather than leasing (if it is unavailable for lease, you can state that.)
For outside services where an individual is named, especially subawards, a sole source justification statement is needed.
2. WHOI budget (from WHOIgrants). Please be sure to include Task 1 (now 3.3% for 2024) in the fee category. A blank placeholder subbudget for Task I must be included in the version to aid in the post-award process. This placeholder subbudget is not included in the submission.
3. Negotiated rate agreement (WHOI's negotiated rate agreement )
4. Subaward documentation (if applicable). Subaward 424A is included in Optional Other Attachments
5. Be sure that the Budget Narrative has a footer (e.g., Budget Narrative CINAR 123 12345.00 WHOI Anderson …. Page 1 of 14)
6. Task 1 Statement: Please include the following statement in your budget narrative: "Funds toward Task I activities are budgeted. These activities relate to the management and administration of CINAR, including support for the CI director, administrator, and support staff, as well as travel, supplies, and education and outreach activities."
Note that the File name of Budget Narrative should not exceed 50 characters - use: Budget CINAR 123 12345_00 WHOI PI lastname
Next steps:
- After the narratives have been reviewed and approved by Claire Anacreon and Mindy Richlen, the proposal can be submitted through WHOI's Grant and Contract Services (GCS) department to