FY25 Proposal Guidance - CINAR Partner Investigators
Step 1: Proposal Templates and Documents
***Download these proposal templates and then refer to instructions below***
Step 2: Project Narrative Components (in the following order):
- CINAR cover sheet (download here)
- Abstract and Project Description: please use our template for FY25, which is available for download here. Note that there are several new sections required (e.g., Results of Prior Support). See template or NOAA Guidance for additional details.
- Note: File name of Project Narrative should not exceed 50 characters - use: Project CINAR 123 12345_00 WHOI PI lastname
- We can no longer include footers in the Abstract and Project Description. When processing in grants.gov, a table of contents along with numbered pages will be generated.
Step 3: CV and C&P for each PI are now required.
- Vitae. (single-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, two (2) pages maximum, per person): Provide resumes of the Principal Investigator for the project and other key personnel critical to the success of the project. Ensure that resumes address qualifications relevant to conducting the proposed work. Publication lists should be limited to all publications in the last 3 years with up to five other relevant papers.
- Current and pending support.: For each principal investigator, submit a list which includes project title, supporting agency with grant number, investigator months, dollar value, and duration. Please be sure to list this proposal in the C&P.
Step 4: Budget narrative and associated documents
- CINAR budget spreadsheet: Download here.
- Budget justification. The CINAR template is available for download here. We also encourage you to review the NOAA Grant Management Division guidance, which is available here.
- In your narrative, include specific details of what is being purchased and why, referencing sections in the WHOI budget (for example: 6. Other 1.a). Also, a generic item such as "Laboratory Supplies - $2,000" should be detailed in the justification, i.e. glassware, chemicals, rubber gloves, etc. Try to avoid using the words “miscellaneous” and "etc." as much as possible. If you are including any supply items over $5,000, please include: (1) A description of the item and how it will be used in the project; and (2) a statement describing “lease vs. purchase” – why you are buying the equipment rather than leasing (if it is unavailable for lease, you can state that.)
- For outside services where an individual is named, especially subawards, a sole source justification statement is needed.
- Task 1 Statement: Please include the following statement in your budget narrative: "Funds toward Task I activities are budgeted. These activities relate to the management and administration of CINAR, including support for the CI director, administrator, and support staff, as well as travel, supplies, and education and outreach activities."
- Note that the File name of Budget Narrative should not exceed 50 characters - use: Budget CINAR 123 12345_00 WHOI PI lastname
- Institution Negotiated rate agreement form
- Subaward documentation (if applicable). Subaward 424A is included in Optional Other Attachments
** We can no longer include footers in the Budget Narrative. When processing in grants.gov, a table of contents along with numbered pages will be generated.
Next steps:
- After the narratives have been reviewed and approved by the CINAR office, your proposal will be reviewed and submitted by WHOI's Grant and Contract Services (GCS) department to Grants.gov.
- Once the proposal has been submitted and accepted by NOAA, the CINAR Office will send along the verification form to the PI and the participating partner AP who completed the paperwork.
- When the funding arrives at WHOI (could take as long as 3 months). WHOI's GCS Department prepares the subaward and sends it to the partner grant office. This process is generally completed within one month; however, please note that delays beyond that are sometimes inevitable due to the workload in our grants office.