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Do you need help?

The International Committee has several services on offer. Please read below to find out what we can do to help you. If you are an international visitor who is looking for assistance please click here to request help.

English Assistance

If you are looking to learn English we can provide you with information regarding English classes taking place around Woods Hole, Falmouth and beyond. If you just want to improve your English speaking skills we can find someone in the local community that would be willing to spend some time with you to help your conversational English.

When you arrive in Woods Hole you may find that you need to practice your English speaking abilities; or someone in your family might benefit from English classes; whatever the level of competency, an individual can probably find the assistance that will suit him or her, whether in a classroom setting or through informal meetings.

For more information click here.

Martha's vineyard Ferry pulling in to Woods Hole

Community Helpers

Community helpers are volunteers who assist international visitors with acclimating to life in the Falmouth/Woods Hole area. WHOI sponsors (or their support staff) often introduce the international visitor to the WHOI environment, but life beyond WHOI can be confusing. Community Helpers (some from WHOI, others from the community) will be a friend to new arrivals and their families. These helpers can be a good source of community information beyond the work environment. This program enables the visitor to establish a relationship with someone outside of WHOI's research and educational setting and to see other aspects of American life.

If you just need someone to help you get around town for the first few weeks of your stay until you get settled - maybe to take you to the grocery store, or the doctors, or the social security office - then we can find someone within the Woods Hole Community to help you. We can even find someone to show you around your new environment. A tour of Woods Hole and Falmouth!

For more information click here

Tax Workshop

In the United States, April 15th is the annual deadline for filing tax returns to the U.S. Government Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and to the Massachusetts Department of Revenue (DOR).

The International Committee holds an annual tax information workshop every winter, run by an accounting professional who presents information designed to familiarize and assist our scientists, students, and employees who are not US citizens, in the process of filing personal income taxes. Filing taxes can be complicated, but educating oneself as to the resources available to you can be very helpful. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions of the presenter.

For more information regarding filing your taxes click here

Other WHOI (non International Committee) helpful links:



Help w/translation:

Legal and financial advice, daycare, summer camp and elder care info, etc,: or contact Linda Snow (x3763) or Donna Hyman (x3743).

The Postdocs at WHOI have a fantastic newcomers guide to WHOI: YaWHOI.pdf