WHOI & You
General WHOI Information
The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, established in 1930, is the largest independent oceanographic laboratory in the world. The staff, which numbers approximately 1000, includes scientists, engineers, technicians, graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and visiting fellows from around the world. The present President and Director of WHOI can be seen on the current WHOI organizational chart.
WHOI's ships carry investigators throughout the world's oceans to conduct highly diverse research that ranges from tracking currents and pollutants in coastal waters to examining ancient climates by the study of frozen polar ice. The deep-diving research submarine ALVIN is a testament to WHOI's leadership in deep submergence engineering.
Personnel & Benefits Information
The following is a listing of miscellaneous Institution Benefits, Activities, and Programs available to most WHOI personnel. Ask your sponsor if you qualify for certain benefits.
STOCK ROOM -- Smith (MWThF; 8am- 4pm, Tu 8am-3.15pm; Phone Ext. 2282; (all personal sales are cash/check only)
- Batteries
- Film (Polaroid/Kodak; B&W or Color; Prints or Slides), 35 mm.
- Video/Audio Tapes
- Computer Discs
- Plumbing/Hardware supplies
- Paper supplies/Notebooks
- Household supplies (nails, screws, braces, etc.)
EXHIBIT CENTER -- School Street, Woods Hole
- Suggested donation of $1.00.
- Hours: May - October: Monday - Saturday 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM; Nov - Dec: Tues - Fri 10:00 AM - 4.30 PM; check Weekly Calendar or signs posted at the Exhibit Center.
- Special Items, such as ALVIN T-shirts, or novelty merchandise, are available at The Exhibit Center only. They are not sold through the Institution Stock Room
- A 20% employee discount is honored.
- WHOI Headlines (weekly, via email/published on the web)
- Weekly Calendar of Events (weekly)
- Bulletin board notices (as necessary)
- Director's Memo (periodically)
- Reports on Research (biannually - to Department)
- Annual report (annually - to Department)
Direct all enquiries to the Academic Programs Office.
Intenational Postdocs may find the information from the National Postdoctoral Association helpful.
Almost every weekday there is a scientific talk by WHOI or neighboring institution staff or visiting scientists, a computer user group meeting, or committee presentations. The Weekly Calendar of Events (also known as the Yellow Sheet) listing talks and other activities is published weekly by WHOI's Public Information Office and posted on bulletin boards throughout the institution.
Each Friday, the Peanut Butter Club is held in Redfield Auditorium at noon. These talks, slide shows or movies are of more general interest than departmental lectures and are meant to be enjoyed by people at WHOI or from the local community with no specific background in science. Coffee and tea is provided.
The WHOI picnic usually held outside in August behind the Clark buildings is an informal and busy event for all ages.
Periodically on selected Fridays, TGIF (Thank Goodness It's Friday) is held at Fenno House on the Quissett Campus from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. with beer and nonalcoholic beverages served at minimal cost. It is a good chance to meet a lot of WHOI people in a relaxed friendly atmosphere.
- Annual Employee Recognition Day--Held in the Fall, location to be announced; with special recognition of long-service employees with l0, 20, 30 and more years of service.
- Black History Month—every February, co-sponsored by scientific organizations in Woods Hole. A series of talks by invited lecturers relating to Black scientists and educators, ending with an Harambee (giant pot luck dinner with live entertainment)
- Annual Women's Dinner--held in March, Fenno House
- Special Events--as announced (example: WHOI's 60th Birthday)
Information about WHOI activities and other events in the community can also be found posted on bulletin boards throughout the institution's buildings, and listed in the town newspaper, the Falmouth Enterprise.
Related Links
» WHOI organizational chart
A whos who at WHOI
» WHOI weekly calendar
Schedule of seminars and lectures at WHOI
» WHOI Exhibit Center
Gift shop, exhibits, educational videos, and more
» National Postdoctoral Association
"Providing a national voice and seeking positive change for postdocs"