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Maurice Tivey - Cruise list by year (50 cruises)


Mar 7th - Apr 22th : Marion Rise

Research Vessel: FS SonneROV QUEST, Cape Town, South Africa - Emden, Germany

Chief Scientist: Jurgen Koepke


Feb 21st - Mar 29th : Marion Rise

Research Vessel: RV Thomas Thompson, AUV Sentry, Durban - Cape Town

Chief Scientist: Henry Dick

Download Report


Mar 6th - Mar 26th : Brothers ArcFlux cruise

Research Vessel: RV Thomas Thompson, ROV Jason, Auckland - Auckland

Chief Scientist: Anna-Louise Reysenbach


No cruises!


Sep 2016; Yellowstone Lake Magnetic Survey

Research Vessel: USGS boat "Alamar"

PI: Rob Sohn HD-Ylake Project


Dec 2015 - Jan 2016; IODP SloMo Expedition 360

Research Vessel: Joides Resolution, Colombo, Sri Lanka - Port Louis, Mauritius

Chief Scientists: Henry Dick (WHOI) and Chris MacLeod (Cardiff)


Dec 16 - Jan 17, 2015: Hawaiian Jurassic Quiet Zone (JQZ3.2)

Research Vessel: RV SikuliaqAUV Sentry, Honolulu - Guam

Chief Scientists: Masako Tominaga (WHOI) and Maurice Tivey (WHOI)

Sept 12-18 : Science Testing SK2014-005

Research Vessel: RV Sikuliaq, Puerto Rico - Puerto Rico

Chief Scientist: Carin Ashjian (WHOI)

July 27th - Aug 6th : Juan de Fuca Ridge, CORK Optical Communications AT26-17

Research Vessel: RV AtlantisAlvin, Astoria - Astoria

Chief Scientists: Crone/Ding/Tivey/Farr


Jun 16th - Jun 19th : Juan de Fuca Ridge, CORK Optical Comms PS1310

Research Vessel: RV Point Sur, Astoria - Astoria

Chief Scientist: Maurice Tivey (WHOI)


Aug 16th - Aug 26th : Juan de Fuca Ridge, CORK/NEMO/Scripps MGL1216

Research Vessel: RV Marcus Langseth, ROV JasonAUV Sentry, Astoria - Astoria

Chief Scientists: Maurice Tivey (WHOI), Dave Butterfield (NOAA) and Mark Zumberge (SIO)


Aug 6th - Aug 26th : Juan de Fuca Ridge, CORK Optical Comms and Thermal Grid AT18-09

Research Vessel: RV AtlantisROV Jason, Astoria, OR - Astoria, OR

Chief Scientists: H. Paul Johnson (U. Washington) and Maurice Tivey (WHOI)

Nov 5th - Dec 17th : Hawaiian Jurassic Quiet Zone (JQZ3)

Research Vessel: RV Thomas Thompson, AUV Sentry, Honolulu - Guam

Chief Scientists: Masako Tominaga (WHOI) and Maurice Tivey (WHOI)


Jul 6th - Jul 26th, 2010 : Juan de Fuca Ridge and flank (opt comms) AT15-67

Research Vessel: RV AtlantisALVIN, Astoria, OR - Astoria, OR

Chief Scientists: Ray Lee (Wash State U.), Marv Lilley (U Wash.), Maurice Tivey (WHOI)


No cruises!


May 23th - Jun 28th, 2008 : Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 45°N

Research Vessel: RRS James Cook, ROV ISIS, Ponta Delgado, Azores - Southampton, UK

Chief Scientist: Roger Searle (Durham Univ.), Bram Murton (Southampton Ocean. Centre)

Jul 28th - Aug 13th, 2008 : Juan de Fuca Ridge flanks

Research Vessel: RV AtlantisALVIN, Astoria, OR - Astoria, OR

Chief Scientist: Jim Cowan (U. Hawaii), Andy Fisher (UC Santa Cruz), Maurice Tivey (WHOI)


No cruises!


Jul 21st - Sep 1st, 2006 : Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea (PNG)

Research Vessel: RV MelvilleROV Jason-2ABE, Rabaul, PNG - Suva, Fiji

Chief Scientist: Maurice Tivey (WHOI), Wolfgang Bach (Bremen) and Jeff Seewald (WHOI)


Aug 11th - Sep 3rd, 2005 : Endeavour Ridge, Juan de Fuca, COMRA-US Program

Research Vessel: RV AtlantisALVIN, Seattle - Seattle

Chief Scientist: M. Lilley (UW), W. Seyfried (UM) and H. Zhou (COMRA)


Nov 14th - Dec 12th, 2004 : Mid-Atlantic Ridge - Kane Megamullion

Research Vessel: RV KnorrROV Jason-2, and ABE, Bermuda - Woods Hole

Chief Scientist: Maurice Tivey, Brian Tucholke and Henry Dick (WHOI)

Jan. 28th - Feb. 24th, 2004 : East Pacific Rise - CAMH cruise

Research Vessel: RV AtlantisALVIN, Towcam, San Diego - Punta Arenas, Costa Rica

Chief Scientist: Hans Schouten, Maurice Tivey, and Dan Fornari (WHOI)


Dec 2nd, 2002 - Jan 12th, 2003 : Deeptow magnetic and sidescan survey : Pacific Jurassic Quiet Zone.

Research Vessel: RV Thomas Thompson, DSL120A, Guam - Guam

Chief Scientist: Maurice Tivey (WHOI)


May 14th - May 24th, 2002 : ALVIN/ABE cruise to East Pacific Rise 9 50N

Research Vessel: RV AtlantisALVIN and ABE, Manzanillo, MX - Porto Ayora, Galapagos

Chief Scientists: Hans Schouten, Maurice Tivey and Dan Fornari (WHOI)

Jun 28th - Jul 11th, 2002 : NOAA Ocean Exploration Ring of Fire cruise to Explorer Ridge, Northeast Pacific (TN149 TGT-02-0013)

Research Vessel: RV Thomas Thompson and ABE, Seattle, WA - Victoria B.C.

Chief Scientist: Robert Embley (NOAA)

Aug 5th - Aug 10th, 2002 : ROV Tiburon cruise to Cleft segment of Juan de Fuca ridge

Research Vessel: RV Western Flyer/ROV Tiburon, Newport, OR - Newport, OR.

Chief Scientist: Debra Stakes (MBARI)


Nov 5th - Dec 4th, 2001 : ALVIN/ABE/DSL120 cruise to East Pacific Rise 9 25 - 9 57N

Research Vessel: RV AtlantisALVIN and ABE/DSL120A, Manzanillo, MX to Manzanillo, MX

Chief Scientists: Hans Schouten, Maurice Tivey and Dan Fornari (WHOI)


Jul 20th - Jul 30th, 2000 : ROV mapping Cleft ridge axis on southern Juan de Fuca Ridge.

Research Vessel: RV Western Flyer (MBARI) and ROV Tiburon, Newport - Newport OR.

Chief Scientist: D. Stakes (MBARI)

Sep 27th - Oct 8th, 2000 : ROV Jason survey of diffuse hydrothermal flow field, Endeavour, Juan de Fuca.

Research Vessel: RV Thomas Thompson (UW) and ROV Jason, Seattle WA - Newport OR.

Chief Scientist: H. Paul Johnson (UW).


No cruises (!)


Mar.-May 1998 : British Antarctic Survey (BAS) cruise to Atlantis Bank, Atlantis II fracture zone, South West Indian Ridge.

Research vessel: James Clark Ross, Cape Town - Cape town

Chief Scientists: Henry Dick, Chris Macleod, Paul Robinson, Simon Allerton.


Sept. 27 - Oct. 15, 1997 : ALVIN cruise to Juan de Fuca and Gorda Ridges.

Research vessel: RV ATLANTIS and ALVIN, Astoria - Astoria

Co-chief Scientists: H.P. Johnson and K. Becker


Sept. 1996 : Juan de Fuca Ridge, ROV JASON / ABE cruise to Coaxial ridge segment

Research vessel: RV ATLANTIS II, and ABE, Astoria OR - Astoria, OR

Co-chief Scientists: H. Paul Johnson and Maurice Tivey


July 1995 : BLANCOVIN, Juan de Fuca Ridge Blanco Transform, Polarity Reversal Mapping

Research vessel: RV ATLANTIS II and ALVIN, Astoria, OR - Astoria, OR

Chief Scientist: Maurice Tivey

Sep 1995 : Juan de Fuca Ridge, Coaxial ridge segment

First use of an autonomous underwater vehicle ABE for science

Research vessel: RV ATLANTIS IIALVIN and ABE, Astoria - Astoria

Co-chief Scientist: H. Paul Johnson and Maurice Tivey


June 25 - July 24, 1994 : WMARK, Western Mid-Atlantic Ridge at Kane, SHINKAI 6500 submersible cruise, MAR 23°40'N

Research vessel: RV YOKOSUKA and SHINKAI 6500, San Juan - Woods Hole

Co-chief Scientist: H. Fujimoto and W.B. Bryan

June/July - Shore-based participant in TAG deeptow cruise

Research vessel: RV Knorr, Azores - Woods Hole

Chief. Scientists: M. Kleinrock and S. Humphris.

(Tivey: Shore-based participant: Graduate student S. Hussenoeder sent as magnetic survey representative.


May 9- Jun 10, 1993 : Mid-Atlantic Ridge, ONR ARSRP deeptow cruise

Research vessel: RV Knorr, Jacksonville, FL - Azores

Chief Scientist: B. Tucholke WHOI. (Tivey: Shore-based participant)

Oct 7th - Oct 25th, 1993 : Juan de Fuca Ridge, Zero-age lava flow

Research vessel: RV ATLANTIS II and ALVIN, Astoria - Astoria

Co-chief Scientists: J. Delaney, UW and R. Embley, NOAA


Jan 1st - Feb 1st, 1992 : Pacific, Jurassic Quiet Zone - Deeptow Magnetic Survey of Japanese Lineations

Research vessel: RV THOMAS WASHINGTON, Guam - Majuro

Co-chief Scientists: H. Paul Johnson, W. Sager and M.A.Tivey

Nov 14th - Dec 17th, 1992 : KANAUTE Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Kane Fracture Zone submersible study -

Research vessel: NADIR/ Submersible NAUTILE - Azores-Martinique

Chief Scientist: J-M. Auzende, IFREMER


May 9th - May 29th, 1991 : Southern Juan de Fuca Ridge, Vents leg I

Research vessel: NOAA Discoverer, Seattle to Seattle.

Chief Scientist R. Embley NOAA, Newport.

July 25th - Aug 24th, 1991 : BLANCONAUTE, Juan de Fuca Ridge, Blanco fracture zone wall submersible study.

Research Vessel: NADIR and Submersible NAUTILE, Seattle-Seattle

Chief Scientist: T. Juteau, Univ. Bretagne, Brest, France.


Jun 12th - Jun 23rd, 1990 : Juan de Fuca Ridge, Middle Valley, AMS/SeaMARC 1A cruise,

Research vessel: CSS TULLY, Winter Harbour, B.C. -> Patricia Bay, B.C.

Chief Scientist: Jim Franklin, GSC, Ottawa.

Jul 21st - Aug 11th 1990 : CREVEX Northern Juan de Fuca Ridge crustal evolution submersible study

Research vessel: RV Atlantis II and ALVIN, Astoria OR - Seattle, WA.

Co-chief Scientists: H.P. Johnson and M.A.Tivey.


Jun 6th - Jun 23rd, 1989 : Northern Juan de Fuca Ridge, NOBEL bottom source expt. Deeptow magnetics

Research vessel: CSS Tully, PGC, Canada Patricia Bay, B.C.

Chief Scientist: K. Rohr, PGC, Canada.


Oct 6th - Oct 16th, 1988 : Northern Juan de Fuca Ridge crustal evolution SeaMARC 1/deeptow magnetic study

Research vessel: RV Atlantis II, Astoria - Astoria, OR.

Co-chief Scientists: H. P. Johnson and M.A.Tivey.

Jun 6th - Jun 23rd 1988 : Middle Valley hydrothermal systems cruise, Juan de Fuca Ridge.

Deeptow camera/magnetometer surveys

Research vessel: CSS Tully, PGC, Canada

Chief Scientist: Jim Franklin, GSC, Ottawa, Canada.


no cruises (!)


Jul. 7th - Jul. 20th 1986 : Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge, deeptow sidescan (SeaMARC I) and deeptow magnetometer.

Research vessel: NOAA Ship Discoverer, Seattle

Chief Scientist: Steve Hammond, NOAA, Newport, OR

Mar 31st - April 9th 1986 : Juan de Fuca Ridge TT 196, deeptow seismic profiler and deeptow magnetometer.

Research vessel: RV Thomas G. Thompson, Seattle to San Francisco

Chief Scientist: Brian Lewis, University of Washington


Sep 22nd - Oct 17th 1985 : AII-112-32 Galapagos Rift 86°W ALVIN dive program, deeptow magnetics

Research vessel: RV Atlantis II and ALVIN, WHOI

Chief Scientist: R. W. Embley, NOAA, Newport, OR


Aug 20th - Sep 10th 1984 : AII-112-11 Endeavour Ridge, Juan de Fuca Ridge ALVIN dive program, deeptow magnetics

Research vessel: RV Atlantis II and ALVIN, WHOI

Co-chief Scientists: H. Paul Johnson & J. Delaney, University of Washington


1983 : Juan de Fuca Ridge multidisciplinary cruise TT 175, airgun magnetometer, deeptow camera, dredging

Research vessel: RV Thomas G. Thompson, University of Washington

Co-chief Scientists: H. Paul Johnson & J. Delaney, University of Washington



1982 : Juan de Fuca Ridge multidisciplinary cruise TT 170, airgun, magnetometer, dredging

Research vessel: RV Thomas G. Thompson, University of Washington

Co-chief Scientists: H. Paul Johnson & J. Delaney, University of Washington



1981 : Juan de Fuca Ridge. Bedford Deep Sea drill program and dredging.

Research vessel: C.S.S. Hudson, Canada

Chief Scientist: R. Chase, University of British Columbia



1980 : Juan de Fuca Ridge multidisciplinary cruise TT 152, airgun, magnetometer, dredging

Research vessel: R.V. Thomas G. Thompson, University of Washington

Co-chief Scientists: Paul Johnson & J. Delaney, University of Washington